
Accountants love to budget in Excel due to its rich functionality and ease of use. However, there is also a problem with budgeting in Excel. The annual budget process can be a real chore. Most companies spend more than 90% of the weeks and months needed to create a budget copying, typing and crunching numbers, and less than 10% of the time analysing and understanding their company or departmental budget.


Turn those percentages around to make the budget process what it should be!

Many budget controllers will admit that despite Excel’s advantages it also has serious deficiencies:

– Failure to handle multidimensional organisations
– Formulas everywhere
– Difficult for multiple users to collaborate
– Slow turnaround


Excel is not the only problem - Budgeting in a Web-Browser has its own issues!

Many software providers have opted for a ‘web-browser only’ interface to their solutions.
In our opinion, although such systems set out to control unauthorised changes to budget templates and formulas, users end up preparing budgets outside such systems in Excel and then pasting the results into the corporate model.

Thanks to Prodinity you can manage your budget easily, quickly and efficiently!

Why choose a Prodinity budgeting tool?

Data stored securely
Fewer formulas
Immediate variance reporting
Audit trail
Secure back-up
More flexible analysing
Sophisticated phasing
Models moulded to fit exactly
Individual user security
Instant results
Actuals and budgets stored in one place

Types of Budgets

Prodinity has delivered budget solutions that include but are not limited to:

Revenue budgets - budgeting at a client level

Staff expense budgets - budgeting at an employee level for all employee related expenses

Capital expenditure budgets - budgeting at an asset level for costs and depreciation

Profit & Loss budgets - combining the results of revenues and expenses

Cash flow budgets - translating and phasing budgets to reflect anticipated cash flows

Need a way to make better use of your budget data?

Contact Prodinity specialists. We create tailor-made business solutions